Background Monitoring
Background Monitoring is undertaken to determine a datum result prior to the planned disturbance of asbestos containing materials. The intent of any such test is to identify any preexisting conditions, or sources of fibre release, whereby the ambient level will affect subsequent analysis results when for example, undertaking Leak Tests on a live work enclosure.
Leak Monitoring
Leak Monitoring is the recommended method of determining whether suitable Control Measures are in place during planned removals of asbestos containing materials. Leak tests act as an early warning system to identify any weaknesses in the adopted measures, controls or working methodology. In the event of an elevated fibre reading, and having considered previous results from earlier background testing, corrective actions are implemented to reduce the level to a reasonably practicable level. .
Reassurance Monitoring
Reassurance Monitoring is undertaken to prove any given location, area or building is safe for occupation, be it restricted or otherwise.
Typically Reassurance Testing is preceded by any of the following;
- Following the identification of poor condition or damaged ACMs;
- If non-licensable, non-notifiable asbestos has been removed;
- Following an uncontrolled release of fibre from a breach in an asbestos work enclosure.
4-Stage Clearance Monitoring to obtain a Certificate of Reoccupation
Clearance Monitoring is part of a lager four stage process of visual inspection and testing. Current legislation states that all Four Stage Clearances must be conducted by a UKAS accredited analytical company.
The four stages are:
- Stage 1: Preliminary site check and audit of documentation;
- Stage 2: Thorough visual inspection throughout the work area;
- Stage 3: Air Monitoring and Analysis;
- Stage 4: Final assessment and visual examination for any residual dust or debris following removal of enclosure materials.
Upon issue of satisfactory results and certification the tested area can then be returned to normal occupation.
Personal Monitoring
Personal Monitoring is usually undertaken to determine if fibre levels are within the defined or prescribed control limits. Results usually determine whether or not RPE being used is either suitable or appropriate given the type of material or complexity of the work.
Contact ACE to see how we can assist you with your Asbestos related issues.
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